NFT Bridge - Methods



  • setFee Sets the Lock transaction fee in Wei. The fee is charged in the blockchain coin only for NFTs on the original blockchain.

  • transferOwneship Changes the contract owner address.

  • changeFeeReceiver Changes the address for fees collected.

  • changeOracle Changes the Oracle address.


  • newERC721 For the creation of a ShadowNFTContract and its association with the originalNFTContract of the ERC721 standard. In this transaction, a contract of the ERC721 standard will be deployed and the address associated.

  • newERC1155 For the creation of a ShadowNFTContract and its linking to the originalNFTContract of the ERC1155 standard. In this transaction, a contract of the ERC1155 standard will be deployed and the address linked. The transaction is called with the following parameters: - name - associated title - metadataURI - originalBlockchain - originalContractAddress - destinationBlockchain - signedMessage

  • lock To make the NFT untransferable. This method is called for the NFT in the originalContract, the NFT will be stored in the contract. If this method is called for the NFT in the shadowContract, the NFT will be burned. This transaction is called with the following parameters: - metadataURI - originalBlockchain - originalContractAddress - destinationBlockchain - signedMessage

The amount is always 0 for the ERC721 token standard. For ERC1155, the amount must be >=1.

  • claim To make the NFT transferable. Can only be called to transfer the locked NFT data by the wallet that performed the Lock transaction on the original blockchain. If called for the originalNFT on the original blockchain, the NFT will be transferred to this address. If called for the shadowNFT, the NFT will be minted and transferred to the owner address. This transaction is called with the following parameters: - lockId - originBlockchain - originalContractAdress - ownerAddress - ID amount - claimOriginal - signedMessage

The amount is always 0 for the ERC721 token standard. For ERC1155, the amount must be >=1 claimOriginal(bool) - 0 if an NFT in the shadowNFTContract was locked, 1 if the NFT in the originalNFTContract was locked.


  • getNFTContractAddressByOrigin -getNFTContractAddressByOrigin - {originalAddress, originBlockchain}. If a shadowNFTContract exists method returns the address. If it does not exist, the method returns the β€œexecution reverted” error.

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