⚙ Auction Listings
With OctoGamex, running a full-out auction for your NFTs is just a couple of clicks. Go for an Auction Listing if not sure how to price your NFT to have the community find it out for you. You may also get a bid price higher than you would be able to realize the asset via a Sale Listing at a fixed price.
🏆 The last bid is always the winner.
You can schedule your listing. The maximum is 30 days away from the listing creation date.
You can also set its duration. The longest possible auction duration is 90 days.
Once the auction is over, either the Listing Owner or the Last Bidder needs to click the "Claim Lot" button to start the asset transfer, wherein the Listing Owner gets the last bid less the OctoGamex fee, and Last Bidder gets the lot they won.
The Listing Owner's auctioned lots are shown in the Dashboard’s “My Listings” tab.
Finished Auction Listings with lots not yet claimed are shown in the “History” tab as “Not Claimed”.
Last updated